As the party season is fast approaching now is the time to think about your winter skin. Your tan has faded, you feel pasty and anaemic- the heating is back on and is generally playing havoc with your skin.
Our skin is our biggest organ and it needs a little extra help through the winter months. Here are a few of my tips to help you continue to be the Belle of the ball.
Get into a routine of giving yourself regular mini facials, a scrub once or twice a week will keep your skin looking very clear. Give a little moisture back by applying a good quality mask once a week too.
If the time allows have a course of facials at a salon. One a month is ideal, especially before a wedding. Always check that the facial includes a good massage. Relaxing the muscles and draining the lymph is so important- it can take years off you!
Invest in a good moisturizer. If you exfoliate you will use less moisturiser as it wont be sitting on dead skin cells but will actually able to penetrate the skin and do what it is supposed to … moisturise! Less product = saving money too!
Dry pockets of skin make the foundation cling and give patchy and uneven coverage. When your skin is smoother your foundation will sit much more evenly and last much longer.
My favourite foundation at the moment is the amazing foundation by Bobby Brown, Luminous Moisturizing Treatment Foundation. It makes my skin glow and I seem to get lovely comments when I’m wearing it. £34
Choose a foundation depending on your skin type and the coverage you require, ranging from either full coverage to a lighter one, barely there.
Once you have the right product next choose the right colour. The perfect foundation should disappear into your skin. Ask at the counter if you can have a sample of a couple of shades of foundation to take away, as the lighting in department stores is very yellow and you can end up wasting your money buying the wrong colour. Apparently women buy 7 foundations before they find the correct colour.. That is a lot of wasted money!
To make a tinted moisturizer or a cc cream add your foundation to your moisturizer or sun lotion.
I love to add a little Mac strobe cream (£24.50)to really up the glow when I feel I need it. It contains green tea and is lovely and cooling on the skin. Shimmering Skin Perfector by Becca is fab too and has a lovely brush to apply it with.
Another tip I always give my clients is that to do your products justice you have the right tools to apply it! So invest in good quality brushes. You only really need 3-4 to get you started but it will make all the difference. Mac and Bobby Brown have wonderful brushes. Crown also do good quality and are considerably cheaper, check out Kiko too as they have very affordable brushes.
Don’t forget to clean your brushes regularly as they can not only harbour nasty germs but get so clogged up they are hard to get good results from.
Once you have the perfect base you can then decide to go for a fresh ‘no-makeup’ look or something bolder- either way, you are bound to get compliments on how lovely you look!
If you need a makeup and skin care lesson to get you on the right track please get in touch!