by kittycat | Aug Wed 2014 | @esblenheim, beautiful bride, Beautiful brides, blenheim palace, Bobby Brown makeup, bridal makeup, ellie sanderson, Hair and makeup, hair and makeup artist, jenni packham, katie reay scott, Mac makeup, oxford, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, photography, sassi holford, wedding planner
Take a look at this link for the behind the scenes coverage of our Ellie Sanderson catwalk shoot. In the back ground you might hear Rhianna- Shine bright like a diamond, It was our song for the day and will forever remind us all of a great,super busy fun day! The...
by kittycat | Mar Mon 2014 | @esblenheim, beautiful bride, blenheim palace, ellie sanderson, Hair and makeup, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, Uncategorized
I was hoping Charlie might take pity on me and do my hair and makeup! Adele making her way to the catwalk, watched closely by Steve and David! The film crew. ...
by kittycat | Mar Mon 2014 | @esblenheim, beautiful bride, Beautiful brides, blenheim palace, ellie sanderson, jenni packham, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, sassi holford
I had an amazing day on Monday at Blenheim Palace doing the makeup on a video shoot for Ellie Sanderson. We had 74 gorgeous wedding dresses to film and take stills of- quite a tight schedule but the day ran extremely smoothly thanks to the amazing organisational...
by kittycat | Feb Sun 2014 | beautiful bride, Beautiful brides, Bobby Brown makeup, boudoir, bridal makeup, Hair and makeup, Mac makeup, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, photography, Special occasion
“Wow, what an amazing experience! I had a fantastic time on my shoot, I recommend everyone who is hesitant to have a go, and if you are not hesitant then book one quick because it will be even better than you think. The whole experience was very relaxing; Katie very...
by kittycat | Jun Thu 2013 | beautiful bride, Beautiful brides, Hair and makeup, Hen parties, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, Special occasion, Uncategorized
Sadly I cant show you the latest boudoir photographs from ES_boudoirphoto, (as with all things boudoir.. its private!) but trust me, they are amazing and the groom who is receiving them early as his wedding present (because his bride to be is too thrilled with them...